Why are we promoting plus size garments in Yaar Malls

Customer Demand: Is the plus size easily available to customers? In Plus Size clothing, there are a lot of online portals where customers have vented out their frustration on how they cannot find the right fit dresses for them. It is true that Plus Size customers are under-served and do NOT find their required dresses yet. This demand is NOT met to date effectively. So we are bringing a wide variety of readymade plus size garments that would satiate the needs of our customers

Market Size: It is true that with a healthy conscious public, the number of people who are in plus size is decreasing year on year. So it makes no business sense for many business to invest in plus size garments

High Order Value: For most of the retail business, the order size of plus size is very less and hence they dont keep any large variety or stock on plus size garments.

High Customer Loyalty: If we are successful in meeting the demands of our plus size customers, then we hope to get repeat business from them.

Reputed brands: Many reputed brands are not risking in investing in a wide range of plus size garments

In a recent market survey, it is observed that reputed brands hold lesser than 2% of the market share of the total plus size products. It is also highlighted that 98% of the plus size market is being served by small unorganized players, scattered across India.

But why brands are not taking a chance on these customer groups?

This is because it's a tough market to crack. Secondly, it's because of the Customer Distribution. If you remember, only 10% of Indians wear plus-sized clothing, but they are not located in any one region, they are spread across the country.

This scattered customer distribution is the main reason why this plus size segment not getting apt attention from branded garment manufactures.

Local Shops: So why local retail shops not servicing these customers?

Local shops would always cater to the mass market. For example, assume that you run a shop in your city, would you cater to the needs of 9 of 10 customers who walk into your store or 1 of 10 customers who may or may not visit your store? It's obvious, right? Not just that, Plus Size customers who are healthy are most often looked down by the salespeople and their dresses are kept in some corner sides. This itself puts off these customers. For these reasons, Plus Size does not work in offline retail.

Online Companies: Okay plus size cannot be served satisfactorily through local retailers, but why not online Direct to Customer companies (D2C)? there is a huge rise in D2C companies, do they have hold of Plus Sized clothing? Almost all the D2C companies that are born for the Internet have ambitions of serving the entire India which makes them focus on more quantity per SKU resulting in less variety of choices for their customers. So when the customer returns to the portal, he gets disappointed seeing the same design and continues to look elsewhere.

Big e-commerce companies: There is fewer number of Plus Sized suppliers in big e commerce companies, and you can see that Plus Sized customers are not satisfied in these marketplaces as every different seller here provides different sized dresses, for example, one seller may call 6XL as Size 52 and another seller from the same market place may call 6XL as Size 50. Right sizing measurements is very important when it comes to Plus Size clothing and because of this reason, reputed marketplaces fails to provide consistency which frustrates the Plus Sized customers.

So with all these traditional retail model, modern d2c model, or even marketplaces failing to crack the plus size niche, we decided to enter this market?

Why we are different?

So We are sourcing from very selected manufactures and we have standardised the sizes so that once you find the right size, that size would be used for all your next purchases